Thursday, October 16, 2008

Debate reaction

Yesterday's debate followed the same format as the last two McCain/Obama debates. So much so that I will use the same words that I used to describe the last debate - because it fit the bill this time too...
Watching the debates yesterday, I noticed a wheezing, breathless, cantankerous old man barely managing to latch onto questions and mounting vapid combative responses at the debate yesterday.

No doubts, Obama won. Of course, this time, McCain anger and frustration were on full display. Say it ain't so, Joe Plumber...


jafabrit said...

I think McCain got in the right jabs that would appeal to those in the base, and those already voting for him. Frankly I find it disconcerting that we are supposed to have a policy that caters to a minority, joe the plumber, who is fortunate to have enough money to start a business in the first bloody place. What about the millions who don't have enough money to even pay for the roof over their head, or health insurance. And even more alarming is the dismissal by McCain that a woman who chooses her own life in a dire health situation over the potential future life of a fetus "extreme".

Anonymous said...

I thought McCain had a great start and the best night for him so far in the debates. He sounded really sharp and had a very clear message - less taxes, less government. I was surprised to hear "I am not President Bush" and then letting Obama know that he should have run 4 years back if he wanted to run against George Bush.

To Obama's credit he managed to keep his cool through the debate and McCain is going to come off as an angry old man. Obama's campaign is already using the "I am not President Bush" in a campaign ad...