Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Drudge retort

In order to get at the Republican spin to any of Obama's initiatives it is instructive to pay a visit to the Drudge Report website. Most of messages are crafted with an extreme right wing slant designed to stoke the egos of the rabid Palin/Beck/Limbaugh crowd. Every once in a while to amuse myself, I go off to Drudge's site and see what he has cooked up. Yesterday, I was sure that I would run into more amusement on his site after Obama's announcement that he was planning a troop increase of 30,000 soldiers (human beings offered as fodder to the Afghanistan war machine in a fight we cannot hope to win). The site does not fail. Only this time I decided to create a graphic that speaks to the actual...

This was the lead banner this morning:

This might be more like the truth:

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