Sunday, November 29, 2009

A new order in Europe?

Swiss voters approve ban on construction of mosques (minarets on mosques actually, but the message is clear)...

 Swiss voters approved a proposal to outlaw the construction of mosque minarets, from where Muslims are called to prayer, the government said. The ban, sponsored by the right-wing Swiss People’s Party, was approved by “a majority of the Swiss people,” the government said in a statement from the capital Bern today. It didn’t give a breakdown of the vote.
The government and a majority of Switzerland’s lawmakers opposed the initiative. The Justice Ministry contended a ban on new minarets would violate freedom of religion as well as Switzerland’s international human-rights commitments and fundamental rights under the Swiss constitution. Justice Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf said today the outcome of the vote reflects fears about Islamic fundamentalist tendencies.


SG said...

We heard it on the news and could not believe it!

Anonymous said...

You must know that is not possible to build a church in muslim countries. You must know that in some european countries muslims want to use the laws of the xaria that means people who rob have their hands cut off, if they are "infidele" to their husbands women must be stoned to death and so on and so on... should we europeans accept everything they want to do in our countries? NO!