Thursday, October 29, 2009

A commonality?

Seen on chinaSMACK - an online daily-updated collection of translated internet content from the Chinese-language internet... Here a lady rants about her husband in a series titled "Chinese Wives’ Complaints About Husbands"...

1. Never does anything in the house, difficult to even get him to wash a bowl. Even when I was pregnant, it was I who cooked for him.

2. Not the least bit romantic. The gifts he give me I can always guess. This is pretty weird too.

3. As long as he is sitting, it is the PSP [PlayStation Portable], though he seems to be better than many of the husbands here.

4. So afraid of his mother he is like a pig that has seen a tiger.

5. Not self-confident, easily shaken by people who talk about him, not like a man.

6. Sometimes I am already so hurt I am crying and he will still be on the side saying “I do not understand you, what are you crying about.”

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