Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I noticed this particular reader's comment in response to an article on the NYT covering Clinton's recent visit to India... (where she also happened to drop hints about India's so called 'emissions problem').

For the first time, Indians are standing up for their self interests (at least in economic matters) with a similar kind of ruthlessness that Americans have mastered in pursuing their interests. Good for them. As several readers pointed out, it is ludicrous to ask India to lower their emissions for at least another 25 years or until they become a developed nation. The current climate mess is caused by the current developed countries. They own it, so they should fix it. No use bullying countries like India which had nothing to do with creating this mess. They are not fools to bend over. The best that the developed countries can do with regards to countries like India is, give them green technology (for free) so that their development in the next 25 years will not be as dirty as that of the current developed countries. Some readers think that India's large and still growing population is a big problem. Obviously, they have not taken Econ 101. Large population is not a problem, it is an asset. However, the trick is to educate the population and make it productive. India, for decades after its independence from the British, has done a lousy job of educating its population, which became a liability. But it is changing now; in the coming decades, India's large, productive population is going to be its best asset.

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