Tuesday, April 07, 2009


A brief tour on the origins of anti-Americanism from a book review of 'In Defense of America', by Bronwen Maddox.
A widely held belief among the liberal intelligentsia, both in the states and in Europe, is that anti-Americanism began under the second President Bush. History tells a different story. Take France, for example. Charles de Gaulle, the most popular political figure in recent French history, staked his presidency on driving a wedge into the American-led NATO alliance during the Cold War’s early years (it was only last month that France finally rejoined NATO’s military command structure). Anti-Americanism goes back to before the founding of the United States; it’s not just a political disposition, but also a theoretical premise based upon deep-seated feelings of historical envy and opposition to capitalism—not to mention cultural snobbery. Another cause, Maddox notes, is the simultaneous decline of Europe alongside America’s international ascendance. No matter what America does, she suggests, it’s unlikely completely to eradicate this inherent European mindset.
From here.

Image shows David Choe's artwork. He is a muralist and graphic artist whose solo show at the Chaoyang Liquor Factory Gallery in Beijing China titled “Death Blossom”, opened April 4th.

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